Craft Your Signature Talk

Your Voice, Your Story, Your Expertise – Transform Them into a Talk That Resonates and Inspires!

Master the Art of Memorable Talks with Elliot Kay 

Are you overflowing with ideas and stories, yet finding it difficult to mold them into a compelling presentation? Join us for a transformative adventure at our “Craft Your Signature Talk” Masterclass, brought to you in partnership with Speaker Express, and Kay Enterprises. This isn’t just a workshop—it’s a turning point in your speaking career!

What do we have planned for you:

  • Discover Your Unique Narrative: Dig deep into your personal and professional experiences to uncover the compelling stories that make your talks unforgettable. This masterclass is about more than just speaking—it’s about embracing and expressing your true self.
  • Craft Talks That Engage and Captivate: Master the art of structuring your presentation to take your audience on an emotional and intellectual journey that keeps them hanging on your every word.
  • Connect and Captivate: Learn innovative strategies to establish genuine connections with your audience, transforming casual listeners into loyal followers and admirers.
  • Leave a Lasting Impression: Grasp the crucial techniques to close your talk with a powerful impact, ensuring that your message not only resonates but also motivates and leads to sales long after the applause fades.

When: 28th June 10-4pm

Where: Birmingham NEC

Parking, lunch, training all included

A Peek into the Experience:

  • Hands-On Interactive Sessions: This is an active participation zone! Dive into hands-on activities that help you bring your talk to life in real time.
  • Personalised Coaching: Benefit from one-on-one guidance and constructive critiques from seasoned experts who have successfully navigated the speaking circuit.
  • A Supportive Community: Become part of a vibrant network of fellow speakers who provide encouragement, support, and collective growth.
  • Tailored Resources: Leave equipped with a customised toolkit full of resources to further refine your speaking skills after the masterclass.

It’s time to unlock the results that you deserve for you and your business. This full day training will give you the framework you need to win the clients and connections you want.

ready to win new clients?

Don’t waste any more time, sign up now.